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Hockney, David - J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles

Happy Birthday, Mr. Hockney
David Hockney is considered one of the most important British artists of the twentieth century. His work demonstrates an enduring curiosity about technique and a distinctive, playful style. To celebrate his eightieth birthday, this focused two-part exhibition includes self-portraits 
(27.06.2017 - 26.11.2017)  made over the past sixty-five years and key photographs from the 1980s that investigate time and perspective.
Featuring the iconic Pearblossom Hwy., 11-18th April 1986, #2, the photographs explore Hockney’s novel Polaroid composites and photo collages. 

self-portraits, including prints, paintings, photographs, and iPad drawings, reveal his flamboyant fashion sense and reactions to aging. (Text: J. Paul Getty Museum)