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EL Greco - National Gallery of Art Washington

El Greco: A 400th Anniversary Celebration from Washington Area Collections

On the 400th anniversary of El Greco’s death, the National Gallery of Artholder the largest number of the artist’s works in the United Statespresents a commemorative exhibition of 

>> El Greco's * 1541 Iraklio † 1614 Toledo 

paintings. (02.1.2014 - 10.02.2015). From the early and the derivative Cleansing of the Temple (before 1570) to the boldly innovative Laocoön(c. 1610/1614), his only mythological work, the exhibition includes 11 paintings from the Gallery and other Washington-area collections. A selection of devotional works illustrates El Greco’s role as artist of the Counter-Reformation, and two versions of Saint Martin and the Beggar shed light on his commercial practices. The exhibition attests to El Greco’s special importance to American collectors of the last century. (Text: National Gallery of Art Washington)